IVDS is developing P.O.C diagnostic solutions for real time measurement of analytes in blood. Each platform consists of a mobile app, IVDS OnSight Meter, test strips, and home analyte measurement.

The PKU Now platform allows for home measurements of Phenylalanine (Phe) levels for patients suffering with Phenylketonuria (PKU). The platform provides a history of Phe levels for physician monitoring and medicine adjustment.
The PreQuine Platform is a novel way to detect/determine G6PD enzyme level at Point of Care. PreQuine platform is especially relevant to malaria endemic regions and provides quantitative results within 10 minutes from simple blood sample.
Bili Now
Bili Now is a revolutionary P.O.C simple to use diagnostic for NICU hospital use. Elevated levels of bilirubin in babies cause harmful conditions if not caught early enough. Total Bilirubin, conjugated bilirubin, and lysate, are measured in babies for early indication of disorders.
Hb Now
With Hb Now, hemoglobin is measured for patients who are anemic and other conditions that can indicate red blood cell disorders. Hb now also provides instant candidacy for blood donors.
ADA2 Now
The ADA2 enzyme plays a vital role in the development of immune cells. Deficiency of ADA2 (DADA2) is a recently discovered and extremely rare genetic disease with severe but poorly understood symptoms. ADA2 Now will be the first P.O.C. test for ADA2 levels in the blood and will inform treatment strategies, improve health outcomes, and further our understanding of DADA2
Oxygen Carrying Capacity of Lipoproteins (OCCL)
IVDS is developing P.O.C diagnostic solutions for the measurement of a broad range of analytes. Each platform consists of a mobile app, IVDS INSIGHT Meter, test strips, and home measurement.

Let's Work Together
We discover scientific solutions to improve the quality of life through timely, accessible, actionable diagnostic information.