Granted over 8 Million Federal Funding
In Vitro Diagnostic Solutions has successfully secured and executed over $8 million in federal funding from the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. Through these programs, we have successfully demonstrated strong scientific feasibility and launched commercialization of several innovative chemistries in a universal platform that will transform the market and increase accessibility for point of care diagnostics across a wide spectrum of challenge diseases.
PKU Now-Connect: An intelligent digital ecosystem to improve health outcomes in Phenylketonuria
Grant Number: 1R43NS134482-01
Grant Agency an Type: NIH Phase I SBIR
Amount: $291,361
Principal Investigators: Robert Harper
Disease Indication: Phenylketonuria
ADA2 Diagnostic Platform: Point-of-care test for determination of patient enzyme levels for diagnosis of the rare disease Deaminase2 Deficiency (DADA2)
Grant Number: 1R43AI177170-01
Grant Agency an Type: NIH Phase I SBIR
Amount: $300,000
Principal Investigators: Robert Harper
Disease Indication: Deficiency of Adenosine Deaminase 2
Diagnosis and monitoring of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD)
Grant Number: 2SB1AI129057-04
Grant Agency and Type: NIH NIAID
Amount: $ 2,893,164
Principal Investigator: Robert Harper
Disease Indication: G6PD
Md Alamgir Kabir receives IRFP from the State of New Jersey
Grant Agency: New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Grant Type: Innovation and Research Fellowship Program (IRFP)
Amount: $115,000
Principal Investigators: Robert Harper & Md Alamgir Kabir
Disease Indication: G6PD
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
(Phase II SBIR)
Grant Number: 2R44AI129057-02A1
Grant Agency and Type: NIH NIAID, Phase II SBIR
Amount: $1,447,330
Principal Investigator: Robert Harper
Disease Indication: Malaria
Phenylalanine Determination (Phase II SBIR)
Grant Number: 2 R44 GM126593-02A1
Grant Agency and Type: NIH NIGMS, Phase II SBIR
Amount: $1,946,957
Principal Investigator: Robert Harper
Disease Indication: Phenylketonuria
Simultaneous G6PD and Hemoglobin (Phase I SBIR)
Grant Number:1746309
Grant Agency and Type: National Science Foundation, Phase I SBIR
Amount: $225,000
Principal Investigator: Robert Harper
Disease Indication: Malaria
A point of care-device for the determination of
creatine phosphokinase (CPK), the CPK Now
Grant Number: 1R43HD114325-01
Grant Agency an Type: NIH Phase I SBIR
Amount: $295,923
Principal Investigators: Robert Harper
Disease Indication: Fatty Acid Oxidation
Robert Mosley Receives IRFP from the State of New Jersey
Grant Agency: New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Grant Type: Innovation and Research Fellowship Program (IRFP)
Amount: $115,000
Principal Investigators: Robert Harper & Robert Mosley
Disease Indication: DADA2
Shima Dalirirad receives IRFP from the State of New Jersey
Grant Agency: New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Grant Type: Innovation and Research Fellowship Program (IRFP)
Amount: $115,000
Principal Investigators: Robert Harper & Shima Dalirirad
Description: Umbellate microfluidic chip, a microfluidic based blood analyzer.
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
(Phase I SBIR)
Grant Number: 1R43AI129057-01A1
Grant Agency and Type: NIH NIAID, Phase I SBIR
Amount: $191,220
Principal Investigator: Robert Harper
Disease Indication: Malaria
Phenylalanine Determination (Phase I SBIR)
Grant Number: 1R43GM126593-01A1
Grant Agency and Type: NIH NIGMS, Phase I SBIR
Amount: $224,700
Principal Investigator: Robert Harper
Disease Indication: Phenylketonuria
Determination of the Bilirubin (Phase I SBIR)
Grant Number: 1R43HD095727-01
Grant Agency and Type: NIH NICHD, Phase I SBIR
Amount: $224,700
Principal Investigator: Robert Harper
Disease Indication: Kernicterus